The Mec Raird Fair: Chapter Two- Time to Eat

After the indoor events all the girls rush to eat.

Elsie waves to Juliana.

Telina and Hannah line up at Katie's organic food stall.

"What are you going to eat Reita?" Emmaline asks.
"I'm not sure yet," Reita replies,"but those cookies sure look good."

Telina walks back with the free range eggs she has just bought.

Clarissa hands Juliana a bag of cotton candy.
"That will be $1.50, please," Clarissa said.

The rest of the girls shove towards the front as the line up diminishes.

Marisol licks her lips as she walks towards the table with her bag of cotton candy.

Jade, Hannah, and Heather enjoy their meal.

As the next set of girls scramble to the table with their heavy laden trays, Heather throws out her trash.

Everyone digs in, as Elsie slides the wrapper off her doughnut.
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